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Torrance High
Class of 1970

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Senior Photos

Senior Photos

Bennett - Brewer

Brooks - Chavez

Christie - Dawson

Day - Elliott

Ellison - Fleming

Flemming - Fuller

Fulton - Gonzales

Gonzales - Haack

Haas - Herman

Herrera - Ishibashi

Jablonski - Kelly

Kennedy - Lait

Langer - Maciel

Maddalone - McKim

McKowen - Mitchell

Moline - Myers

Nelius - Omitt

Ortega - Pochatco

Polston - Rose

Rosenthol - Santos

Scheftner - Smith

Smith - Stephenson

Stevens - Tomita

Tomlin - Waddell

Waddell - Wisham

Wohlers - Zupparde

Questions? & Classmate leads
Email us at main@TorranceHigh1970.com
